Posts tagged owensboro
When Society challenges you to be a Real Man

It is important to remember we all have different talents. Our gender differences sometimes create stereotypes that may play out (stereotypes come from some place after all) but we are by no means defined by our gender. To recognize and embrace the talents and aptitudes we have is one way to be mentally healthy. As a professor of mine used to say, ‘it takes all types.’

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May is Mental Health Awareness Month and Our 6th Anniversary!

May is a milestone for us at Compass Counseling it’s our 6th anniversary!

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Questions About Therapy Part 2: What Are the Letters Behind My Therapist's Name?

One of the questions that we receive is what do all of the letter mean behind my therapist or counselors name and why are they important?

It can be confusing.  One of the most important reasons why it is important to know about the letters behind your therapists name is because it can be a resource for you.  The letters are not going to guarantee that the therapist is the right fit for you. However, understanding the letters can be helpful when you are making a decision about working with a therapist.  

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