Marriage Insurance...Premarital Counseling

What if there was an insurance policy that you could take out to reduce the potential of divorce by 30%.  Is this an investment that you would make or encourage your children or grandchildren to make? Premarital counseling can help you prepare better for a lifelong relationship.  As certified Prepared/Enrich facilitators, we are trained specifically to help couples assess where they are, expose idealism, and build confidence about their future. 

Here is a brief description of the program from the Prepare/Enrich website:

“Prepare/Enrich has helped millions of couples prepare for marriage.  PREPARE/ENRICH is the leading relationship inventory and skill-building program used nationally and internationally. Built on a solid foundation of 35+ years of research, it has been shown to significantly improve a couple’s relationship. The PREPARE/ENRICH online assessment is customized to a couple’s relationship stage and structure and provides certified facilitators with a detailed report on the couple’s strength and growth areas.”

When a couple calls to schedule for premarital counseling and choose the options for the assessment including the standard version, or Biblical version, they will receive a link to an online assessment that each person will complete prior to their first session with the therapist.  Upon completion of the individual assessments the couple’s trained therapist will receive and interpret the report for Prepare/Enrich and create a customized experience for each couple based on their strengths and potential areas of growth.  

When the couple arrives for their first appointment, their therapist has reviewed their customized assessment and is ready to work with that couple on seeing more than the marriage fantasy.  The pre-marital sessions will focus on strengths and provide the couple with a clear picture of how to work on the parts of their lives that matter the most to them. 

Our goal at the end of your premarital education is to help prepare you for a more successful marriage.  You will learn how to identify your strengths, learn how to have conversations about the important things in your lives, and improve your relationship skills.   

If you would like more information on Premarital Counseling at Compass Counseling please call 270-777-4490 in Paducah or 270-215-4000 in Owensboro.   You can also visit us on Facebook @mycompasscounseling for upcoming events and office information.