Self-Care During a Shutdown

Self Care During a Shutdown

Self care is important to mental health. Online counseling and online therapy are great ways to cope.

Right now is a really difficult time for everyone. It is unnerving how quickly things can change in life. Trauma in a lot of ways is simply an extreme lack of choice and it can be really triggering to feel like there are many things outside of your control. You may find that pain from past hurts are resurfacing right now. Know that you are not alone in these feelings.

Reflecting on What is Truly Important

However, it times like these it is also the case that it often sheds light on what is most important in life.  I would encourage you to focus inward and take this time of increased solitude and distance from others to be curious about yourself. Start to understand what you value the most in life such as service, fun, safety, family, honesty, knowledge, love, health, hard-work or inner-peace.

Self-Care at Home

Understand that self-care is not selfish and that you will not be equipped to help others if you do not first take care of yourself. This may mean sweating through another work out or it may mean scheduling alone time away from your family to read a book, play a video game, or take a relaxing bath. Lastly, it may look like squashing the urge to go out in public and simply stay home.

Staying Connected

It is important to realize that it will be more difficult that ever to take care of your social needs at this time. We all need and deserve connection with other people, and loneliness can quickly negatively impact your mental health. Thankfully we live in an age where we can connect with each other more easily than ever through the internet. Download google hangouts or Whatsapp to connect with friends and family. Call each other and press play at the same time on a youtube yoga video or challenge each other to an online game of cards. If you do not feel comfortable with technology reach out to someone who does. You are worth taking care of.

The only constant in life is change. This too shall pass.

“Happiness can be found in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light” -Albus Dumbledore

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Taking care of yourself during a quarantine can be stressful online therapy and online counseling at Compass Counseling can help.