Reframing Stress (How to Make it Your Friend)

I have little doubt in my mind that everyone reading this has experienced some level of stress. Maybe this week. Possibly even today. When we experience the negative effects of stress; headaches, stomach issues, extreme worry all we want is for it to go away.

But, stress does not have to be viewed as a bad guy. Research has actually shown stress can be good for you. Like so many aspects in life, it depends on how you choose to view it.

In a recent study at Harvard University it was determined that when people viewed stress as a way for the body to be energized for challenges they were less anxious and more confident. Even physically the person was better off. Their heart functioned at a level more relative to joy and courage.

 The same researcher also found that for those who experienced a stressor in their life one way to overcome it successfully was caring for other people. So, stress can be your friend if you let it. View it as a way to give you a boost to overcome difficult times.

 And when you experience stressors in your life such as financial difficulties or a family crisis one way to be resilient is to care for others.

Access to this research and the TED talk by Kelly McGonigal can be found here.

Insight into navigating life inevitabilities such as stress is one thing that can be found in therapy. Compass Counseling has trained licensed therapists to provide this service.

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