What is a Targeted Case Manager?

Asking for help can be one of those things you despise doing sometimes. Often we feel that we must do things on our own, maybe because we are used to doing things that way, and it feels easier not to rely on anyone. Or maybe you just feel lost and don’t even know where to start. These are all normal and common issues I see regularly as a case manager and in life in general. Lisa Frentz LCSW-C, DAPA states that reasons we avoid asking for help can come from what we learned as children about asking for help and the responses we got.(Lisa Frentz LCSW-C, DAPA, 2017). 

Luckily, Targeted Case Managers are here to help. Sometimes people don't like asking friends or family for help due to fears such as, am I bothering them? Will they ask for something in return, or hold this against me some day? The nice thing about getting professional help is that we will never do any of those things, it is our job to help and that is why we do this job. A few questions that Lisa Frentz LCSW-C, DAPA suggests that people ask themselves if they are hesitant about getting help are, “What are the situations in your life that would benefit from outside help and support,  What professional resources would you encourage a best friend to use if they needed help, What are three ways in which asking for professional help can be a sign of strength?”(Lisa Frentz LCSW-C, DAPA, 2017). 

Targeted Case Managers help with a wide range of needs for adults and children. For anyone we can assist with housing, clothing, food resources, self care routines, finding and scheduling doctor appointments, disability application process, government assistance programs, yoga, gym memberships, and more. Children can benefit from case management too, TCM’s help with finding community activities, helping with positive behaviors and impulse control, parenting support, support in school, joining school groups and much more. Reaching out for help can be the first step to changing your life. 

-Mariana Mirasolo, TCM, Counselor in training 

Download our Free E-Book 10 Questions to Ask Before Starting Counseling. Learn more at www.compasscounseling.com If you would like to schedule an appointment today click here!

Sources: Frentz, L. LCSW-C, DAPA (2017, April 5). Why Asking for Help Is Hard to Do. Psychology Today.https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/healing-trauma-s-wounds/201704/why-asking-help-is-hard-do.

Katie Englert