Getting in Touch: How to Connect With Your Local Community

Getting in touch with yourself is the first step towards feeling more at ease in your own mind on the path to addressing and recovering from anxiety and depression symptoms. 

However, having a community of understanding individuals around you as a support system is also vital to the healing process. A great way to start engaging with life more healthily is to start reaching out to your local community.

It can be challenging to start reaching out when you’ve been isolated as so many people have over the last couple years. 

The tips below can help you start reaching out again.

Find an Online Hub for Your Local Community

Sometimes it can be tricky to figure out how to reach out to your local community when you don’t have any connections. A great way to start finding groups is by looking online. If you have a hobby like reading, sports, or art, you can find a group of people in your area who are interested in these as well.

Many of these groups have online groups on Facebook or on city websites which are created to connect like-minded people together. Take advantage of these resources—they’re there for you!

Visit a Farmers’ Market

Another great way to get your foot into the door of your local community is by visiting a local farmers’ market. This can be a wonderful way to simply step out of your comfort zone. This can be done without any of the expectations you may feel come with reaching out to a more exclusive or focused community, as suggested above.

A farmers’ market can get you more in touch with your food, allowing you to consume fresher produce that will make your body (and your mind!) happier. Many local groups also like to have community events at farmers’ markets as well, making them a very neutral and fun entry point to your community.

Attend a Live Event 

If you’re really looking to get out, try to find a local city event that you can participate in. There are many kinds of festivals and events that are happening in most cities all the time, unknown to most of the population.

Look for your city’s official website or social media pages to find out what local events are going on. From parades to cultural festivals with food and entertainment, activities are going on that can interest anyone.

Don’t Be Afraid to Take the First Step 

When you’ve been feeling isolated and down on yourself, it can be difficult to reach out to others. Remember this. Open organizations are just that—open! If you are worried about fitting in, sit in on a meeting and if you don’t enjoy the atmosphere, there are no obligations. You can always leave and try again somewhere else.

There is nothing for you to lose when you start reaching out to your local community, and only a potentially amazing support group for you to gain.

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Katie Englert