What is Mindfulness?

I keep hearing the word, “mindfulness” but what does it really mean, and how can it help? A good understanding of this new catch phrase is living in the moment. We live in a world that is constantly adding pressure to not be focused where we are. We worry about our upcoming bills, getting noticed through social media, what the future holds, or the woulda, coulda, shouldas of the past. These things are not bad things to think about—it is good to pay bills, enjoy social media, plan for the future, and learn from our mistakes. But, what can happen when we constantly think about (I worry mostly), the future or the what-ifs of the past is that we can create anxiety, fear, or regret for ourselves. So this “popular” idea of living in the moment is allowing ourselves to be free from those little worries and anxieties so that we can enjoy what is right in front of us—our families, friends, jobs, and little joys found in life. So, yes—plan, yes—learn from our mistakes, but also be present in today!

Jennifer Linville, LPCC-S

Here’s the truth, you are overwhelmed, stuck and know something has got to change, but asking for help is hard. Most people think that their problems are not big enough for counseling and wait 8 years or more to reach out for help. At Compass Counseling we know that we all have mental health and you want to feel good about yourself and your relationships. Over the past 8 years, we have crafted an excellent team of professionals that have served thousands of people in Western KY and we want to help you on your path to change. Our Master's level therapists will support you and teach you skills to learn to manage the overwhelm and overcome your struggle. When you leave your first session, you will feel confident & ready to start on your path change. Connect with us today at www.compasscouseling.com or click here schedule an appointment.

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