The Art of a Restful Night’s Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is vital for everyone, but especially so if you are trying to maintain a healthier state of mind. 

Sleep is how the mind processes the information of the day, where new knowledge and skills are processed and absorbed deeply into the mind. Along with that, rest also promotes a healthy body by allowing you to recuperate from your day physically. And it allows your body to repair itself unhindered by daily activities.

If you have a hard time falling asleep at night, as so many with mental health problems do, the following is a list of tips to help you get the sleep you need.

Reduce Daily Naps and Create a Sleep Schedule

Your body naturally wants to function on a sleep cycle. By creating irregular sleeping habits by sleeping too often during the day, or constantly changing what time you go to bed for the night, you’re interrupting this cycle.

Pick a sleep schedule, whatever fits your work life and lifestyle, and stick to it every day. Even on days you have off. Sleeping in on days off is part of what makes you feel even more tired come the start of a new week. Create a sleeping schedule that you can use every day to start feeling more awake and refreshed in the morning.

Make Your Bedroom a Calming Space

Your bedroom should encourage relaxation. Darkness, quiet, and soothing elements should be your goal. However, this is not always feasible. Take measures to improve the atmosphere of your bedroom by:

·      Investing in blackout curtains or eye covers

·      Earplugs, noise-canceling headphones, or a white noise machine

·      Avoid working in your bedroom or spending too much time in bed

·      Keep it cool

o   Have a weather-appropriate blanket, a fan, or AC for better sleep

·      Figure out the best mattress firmness

·      Ensure your blankets are large enough they won’t tangle during sleep movements

Reduce Stress and Practice Relaxation Techniques

When you can’t sleep, or you find you wake up often during what should be a long night’s rest, you may find yourself stuck in your head. Thinking too much often makes you restless.

You may even start overthinking your need to sleep, which will only make rest drift further from you. Instead of insisting to yourself that you must sleep, focus instead on just relaxing.

Fix your blankets and pillows until you're again comfortable and listen to a guided mediation or white noise, and then allow your mind to quiet. Even if you don’t get back to sleep, this deep relaxation state is also restorative. But it will usually help gently lull you back to bed. 

Sleep Is So Important, So Get the Rest You Need

Sleep is one of the most important ways your body heals itself and it’s when you contextualize the information you gather each day. By getting better sleep you can reduce the stress on your mind and body, and start making steps towards better mental health, one night at a time.

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Katie Englert