Having Fun at Home
If the events of 2020 taught us one thing, it’s that it is always good to have hobbies that can be done indoors with minimal supplies.
There are plenty of ways to have fun at home, whether you live alone or with others. Having hobbies you can do in your home make all the difference when it comes to your mental health. Learning something new is great for our brains. Plus, having options to keep our minds occupied while at home will make you happier and less bored.
Find Your Creative Streak
So many arts and crafts can be done from the comfort of your home with minimal supplies. If you’ve never been much of an artist, it doesn’t matter. The point of arts and crafts is not to create the next masterpiece. Art therapy has long shown a connection between creating art and stress relief. Completing art projects can also help self-esteem, particularly for those who struggle with finding motivation or executive dysfunction.
Your art doesn’t need to be perfect to deliver robust mental health benefits. And if you keep at it, you’ll likely feel rewarded watching how your skills improve with each new project. Plus, there are so many great options you can try for crafting at home.
If you are looking to enjoy the benefits of creating art at home, you could try:
Adult coloring books, or paint-by-number kits.
Weaving or macrame kits.
Graphic design.
And so much more!
Pick the art form that calls to you and give it a shot!
Go Online
There are numerous hobbies where you can participate online. Some of these hobbies, such as online video games, allow you to connect with other players, which can help you to feel less isolated if you must be home for long periods.
Overall, choosing an online hobby can help you feel connected to others with just a screen and an Internet connection. There are plenty of activities you can do online to help cure boredom and have some fun at home. Some of these are:
Video games.
Creating YouTube videos.
Creating and moderating a discussion board.
Creating a podcast.
Creating e-cards to send to friends and family.
Hosting a video call game night with friends and family from near and far.
The Internet has allowed us to stay connected even if our loved ones are far away. There are so many creative and entertaining ways to have fun with this technology at our fingertips.
Getting Active Indoors
Activity and exercise are extremely important. Exercise is known to have significant positive impacts on our mental health. It’s been shown that physical activity can lessen the symptoms of serious mental disorders like anxiety and depression.
Physical activity releases tension and stress in a healthy way. It also boosts physical and mental energy and releases endorphins, which make us feel happier. You don’t need to visit a gym or find a hiking trail to get active. There are plenty of ways to reap the benefits of exercise from your own home.
Some great options for getting active indoors include:
Take an online Pilates or yoga class.
Have a dance party – either with your housemates or solo!
Learn Tai Chi.
Pick a video game that requires activity, like Dance Dance Revolution or Nintendo Sports.
Lift weights (if you don’t own proper weights, find heavy items to pick up around your house!)
There are plenty of creative ways to have fun at home. Our homes are the place where we feel the most comfortable, so it’s easy to try a new activity without fear in the comfort of your own home. Plus, keeping our brains active and occupied at home help us fight off depression or anxiety!
If you have any other tips and tricks for staying positive at home, fire off in the comments. We look forward to hearing from you. If you would like to find support or connect with a therapist connect with our team at www.compasscounseling.com. If you would like to schedule an appointment today click here!