3 Reasons to Consider Online Counseling Sessions for Teenagers

Picture of a teen using a computer. Compass Counseling offers online therapy sessions for teenagers in Kentucky.

While online counseling sessions can be useful for everyone from busy professionals to people confined to their house due to medical issues or even couples, online sessions can be especially useful for teenagers. Online counseling sessions fit well into a teenager’s lifestyle. In fact, many teenagers who argue with their parents about attending traditional therapy may be open to the idea of counseling may be open to the idea of working with a therapist online, also known as Telehealth counseling. Why? Well, here are three specific reasons online counseling may be a good fit for teenagers.

Getting to know someone online isn’t new for teenagers

After all, they’re used to forging relationships online and learning things through using a computer. Most teenagers have made friends over the internet in some form (social media, gaming, etc) and comfortable getting to know someone new through the use of technology. Teenagers may, in fact, be more comfortable opening up to someone new through a computer screen.

Teens are used to using technology to learn new skills

One of the goals in counseling for teenagers is often to teach a teenager new skills.  Sometimes we’re teaching emotion regulation skills. Sometimes it’s mindfulness.  Other teens are learning how to cope with breakups or make new friends.  While there are other componenets of therapy (namely processing strong emotions), this teaching part is especially comfortable for teenagers to do online. Teens have grown up learning new information from technology.  They’ve used video games, ipads, phones and computers to learn since they were in Pre-K.  Many high schools these days even give students a tablet or computer to use for class.  So….learning things related to mental health online is a perfect fit.

Teenagers are busy

Teenage girls playing softball. Online Counseling sessions help busy teenagers get help for depression, anxiety and friend problems.

It’s not always convenient for teens to make it to in person counseling sessions. Maybe you’ve talked to your teenager about going to counseling and they’ve pointed out that they don’t have time between play rehearsal, band practice & school.  They’re right. Teens are busy.  And you as their parent are busy as well!  Online counseling sessions can be a great alternative. As the parent, you don’t have to worry about taking off work to provide transportation.  And your teenager? They only have to give up the time it takes to login to our secure platform and participate in the counseling session. 

Online Counseling for Teens in Kentucky

Compass Counseling offers online therapy sessions to teenagers throughout the state of Kentucky. Also called telehealth, mental health services delivered online can be just as effective as in person sessions for depression, anxiety, social skills problems or other issues.  In most cases, the therapist will want to meet at least once in person.  But I encourage you to reach out and contact Compass Counseling to ask about the process for beginning online counseling sessions for your teen

About the Guest Author

Jessica Tappana is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and owns a counseling practice in Columbia, Missouri in addition to helping therapists with their websites. In her work as a trauma therapist, Jessica enjoys counseling teens herself and believes in the power of therapy to transform lives.


Katie Englert