Reflecting, Learning and Renewing


As this year wraps up and before more goals are set, I have been reflecting on what the current year has brought.   My word for this year was connect, and wow did 2018 deliver. I connected with so many people, in so many different and unexpected ways!  People from the west coast, people from the east coast, people from other countries, people from across the street and it was amazing! It was full of change and opportunities, not all easy and enjoyable.  I am resting, savoring and learning from it.  

Learning is constantly happening in my life.  I think a younger me thought that at some point the learning would slow down, to date, that has NOT been the case.  And, I love it. In 2018, I have learned more about connecting with people, serving people and reaching out to create more meaningful moments.   

Just a Few Things I Learned in 2018

  • The value of great mentors is priceless.

  • Meeting face to face and working with therapists is an incredible gift that I treasure.

  • Lake Michigan is stunning and cold in Mid-Summer.

  • My fear about unknown things does not mean that I cannot pursue my purpose at the same time.


Faith that surpasses my human understanding is also something that I seem to learn more about with every year that passes.  Throughout my life, this verse has followed me around and given me great encouragement, so much that I thought I would share it with you. “What’s more, do not let yourselves be squeezed into the shape dictated by the present age.  Instead, be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you can work out what God’s will is--what is good, acceptable and complete. Romans 12:2” So as we are renewing for a new year, take a moment and reflect on the past year., you did it! Be thankful even for the hard parts. What do you want to continue? What do you need to let go? My hope is that you have a moment to reflect on 2018, then renew and enjoy the freshness of this new year! If you need a little help, give us a call!

Happy Reflecting & Happy New Year!

Katie Englert, MAE, LPCC, NCC, BC-TMH

President, Compass Counseling

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